Buying Your Home

Acting as your trusted advisor, real estate lawyers check up on various details and advise you on a wide range of important matters.

At Houlihan Law we can advise you on:

  • Preparing and reviewing mortgage documents, clearly explaining the terms and conditions to ensure full understanding
  • The different ways you can hold title to the property and the difference between being joint tenants vs tenants-in-common
  • Reviewing the seller’s lawyer’s closing documents to ensure there are no errors, and that it is fair and standard in nature
  • For New Homes, reviewing the builder’s adjustments to confirm that they are in accordance with the Purchase Agreement
  • Reviewing the insurance binder letter for your new home insurance to make sure that it satisfies your mortgage lender’s instructions
  • To clearly explain the purposes of the documents which you will be signing

Our goal is to make the purchasing of a new home as smooth as possible by assisting our clients during the buying process with matters such as:

  • Ensuring that you have home insurance in place as of the closing date​
  • Arranging for you to receive keys to your new home as soon as possible after closing
  • With more people buying homes with partners before marriage, we can advise on the benefits of signing a cohabitation agreement to protect oneself

At Houlihan Law we can help you Ensure Clear Title to Your Home:

  • Ensure there are no mortgages or liens against the property
  • Determine if somebody else has an interest in your property that could restrict your use of it
  • Review the available tenancy documents if some or all of the home is being rented and confirm that the terms of the rental conform to the Purchase Agreement
  • Contact local Utilities and the Municipality to find out if there are liens against the property due to unpaid utilities or taxes
  • Review the closing documents for compliance if the registered owner is Deceased, the property is being sold using a Power of Attorney or is being sold under Power of Sale